Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 15
Houston, MO to Marshfield, MO
66 miles

As we left Marshfield this morning, I took a picture of a campaign poster. It seems like everywhere we travel, we see campaign advertizing. Only this sign is of the branch president of our church here in Houston, MO. We spoke with him yesterday. I very good man – we wish him well.

Many more hills to climb today. Whenever we see a river or creek crossing on our map, we know we will descend and then there will be a steep climb up from the crossing right afterwards.

Jacob saw a street sign along a country road today with his hero’s name – Armstrong . He wanted a picture take of it.

Big, thick, oddly shaped cloud formations strolled across the sky today, threatening rain. Some the cyclists ahead were rained on, but it missed us.

After a long, strenuous day, we reached Marshfield, where the tour group of 14 cyclists and four others decided to camp at the local fairgrounds. The city told them where to camp – in a large pavilion. We all set up our tents on the concrete floor, when the city people came to tell us they had misinformed and we had to move across the street to the city park. Everyone obliged, picking up their tents and carrying them across the street.

We had a wonderful surprise tonight. My 95-year old father drove into town, having covered 400 miles from Wichita, KS today. He took us to dinner in town. He has been traveling on this trip almost two months now and will head to our home in another week or so.

From JakeTransAmerica

From JakeTransAmerica

From JakeTransAmerica


  1. Wow...this sky is really in

    Jim ;-)

  2. Great pic of you Jake, in front of the Armstrong pic...

    Jim ;-)
